WCMHA Awards
Cobra Pride Awards
Cobra Pride Awards are presented annually to one player from each team in the West Colchester Minor Hockey Association. These awards are presented to players that demonstrate great effort and heart, are positive and respectful of teammates, coaches, and officials (Sportsmanship), and exhibit ‘PRIDE’: Personal Responsibility In Daily Endeavours.
Josh Fletcher Memorial Award
Josh Fletcher was a young player with the Debert Cobras Peewee C team at the time of his tragic death. His #6 jersey was retired from WCMHA after his passing and no Cobra Jerseys have been printed with this number since. This award is presented to the Most Dedicated U13 player from the West Colchester Cobras. This player has demonstrated enthusiasm and determination to excel their game and team throughout the year.
Trevor Ferguson Memorial Award
Trevor Ferguson was a young man who played most of his minor hockey career in West Colchester as a goalie. When he was not on the ice, he was often seen with his friends at the rink. Trevor lost his life in a car accident in the summer of 2006. This annual Cobras award was set up in Trevor’s memory for a senior goalie who shows dedication to the sport, their team and their friends.
West Colchester Cares Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award
The West Colchester Cares Memorial Award is in remembrance to those closely connected to our association that were lost in the tragedy of April 18th and 19th, 2020: Jaime Blair, Greg Blair, Lisa McCully, Heather O’Brien, Kristen and Baby Beaton. The annual award is presented to a West Colchester Cobra’s volunteer that shows dedication to our members, determination to improve our sport, fair play and Cobra pride. The recipient represents the Cobra’s caring spirit, has shown tremendous dedication, a strong sense of volunteerism and exemplifies what it is to be a West Colchester Cobra.
West Colchester Minor Hockey Coaches Award
The West Colchester Minor Hockey Coaches Award is designed to recognize a coach who has had a positive impact over multiple years of coaching Cobra players and teams. A coach who demonstrates a high level of commitment, preparation, and passion towards their teams and players. Someone who teaches the technical side of the game while also instilling the character development in their players such as teamwork, responsibility, respect, positive attitude, and the value of hard work.
West Colchester Minor Hockey Lifetime Services Award
The West Colchester Minor Hockey Lifetime Services Award has been established to honor someone who has made more than 10 plus years of service to our association. Someone who has shown an exemplary level of commitment and impactful presence to the Cobra Community. They exhibit a love for the game and the Cobra players. This award is not intended to be an annual award, rather, be presented only when a deserving recipient should be recognized.