
Tournament Rules


West Colchester Cares 2025 Home Hardware Friendship Tournament Rules


·      All games will be played at the West Colchester United Arena

1089 Masstown Road in Debert.


·      All teams shake hands at the start of the game and line up on the blue lines at the end of the game for the presentation of the player of the  game.


·      Nova Scotia Minor Hockey rules will be followed where tournament rules do not apply or exist.


·     NO PROTESTS WILL BE ENTERTAINED. The decision of the Tournament Chair, or any Committee Member, in the Chair's absence, is FINAL. 


·   Each team is required to enter an official Hockey Nova Scotia roster and a travel permit. No other players can be added to the list after it has been submitted. There will be NO exceptions.


·      No game delays because of late arrivals, bad weather, or not enough players. Any defaulting team will be assessed a game loss with 5 goals against penalty.


·      All teams are to be ready to play up to 15 minutes prior to their scheduled game.


·      The Manager and Coach of each team shall be responsible for his/her team on the ice, in the dressing room and in the arena. NO team will be left unattended in dressing rooms at any time.


·      Any player, coach, or other team official receiving a major penalty (i.e. Game misconduct) could be suspended for the remainder of the tournament and dealt with in accordance with the NSMHC Code of Discipline.


·      Any player receiving more than 3 penalties (i.e. 6 minutes) in any one game will be removed from the ice for the remainder of that game upon receiving a fourth penalty.









Standing for round robin play for all divisions will be as follows:


·      2 points for a win

·      1 point for a tie

·      0 points for a loss


Round Robin Game Length

Games will be 3 11-minute stop time periods.

·       If there is more than a 5-goal differential, running time will be used for the entire third period.

·       Any game tied at the end of regulation time will remain a tie, both teams receiving 1 point.



Playoff Game Length:


·      All playoff games will consist of 3 periods of 13-minute stopped time.

·      If there is more than a 5-goal differential, running time will be used for the entire third period.



Tie-breaking in the playoff games:


·      3 on 3 sudden-death overtime, 1 5-minute stop time period, 3 skaters and a goalie.

·      If a team receives a penalty, that player goes to the penalty box and each team adds an additional player to the ice. If a second penalty occurs, the same procedure will be followed. If a third penalty is assigned to the same team while still shorthanded, a penalty shot will be awarded. It must be made by one of the players remaining on the ice.

·      If still tied at the end of this overtime period, go back to sudden death shootout.

·      In a championship game only, both teams are allowed one (l) 30-second timeout each, not to be taken at the same stoppage of play. Tie Breaking Format

·      If 2 teams are tied in points after round robin play the team who won, the head-to-head game will place higher.

·      If 3 or more teams are tied in points after round robin play:

l.           The team with the highest +/- will place higher. 

Maximum +/recorded for each game is 5.

2.               If still tied, the team with the fewest goals against will place higher.

3.               If still tied, the team with the most goals for will place higher.

4.               If still tied, the team with the fewest penalty minutes will place higher.

5.               If still tied, the team that scored the earliest goal in any game will place higher.










Additional Rules

·      Teams are permitted in the dressing rooms 30 minutes prior to their scheduled game. Teams are to vacate the dressing room within 20 minutes after their game.

·      Coaches, Managers and Players are to cooperate in keeping the arena and dressing rooms clean and tidy.

·      The Tournament Chairperson and Committee will address any concerns during play and will make any necessary decisions. No protests will be entertained, and the decisions of the chair or committee members are final.

·      No stick and puck/ball play are permitted in the dressing room area.

·      Absolutely NO SMOKING / VAPIING in the dressing rooms or Arena! ! !

·      U11C, U13C, U15C, and U18C divisions ONLY Team staff are allowed outside the dressing rooms. Players and bench staff are to enter the front doors and proceed to the dressing rooms.

·      All spectators must enter and exit the Front doors only.

·      Please make your respective parent groups aware of this change.

·      Please leave the dressing room the way you found it.














U9 Tournament Rules:


For all games, the coach / manager shall have their team in the arena a minimum of thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled game time. If the tournament is running ahead of schedule, the starting time of any game may be advanced a maximum of twenty (20) minutes at the discretion of the Tournament Committee. Each team is required to vacate the dressing room within 20 minutes after their game has ended.

Players, bench staff & ideally a lone guardian is allowed to enter the back doors to aide their player in getting ready. Please proceed asap to the stands after as the halls get too congested. All spectators are asked to enter and exit the front doors and not go in dressing room hallway please. Upstairs will be open for spectating too, along with a hospitality area of snacks will be located upstairs.

1. U9 teams will play 3 half ice games consisting of 20 minute straight-time periods.

2. Small Novice nets, with black pucks. If help is available at time of floods to move the boards, it would be appreciated to keep things rolling. Helpers must have helmet & skates on.

3. Visiting team change benches after first period.

4. 90-second shift length.

5. All double-shifting players are required to "tag up" at bench before returning to play, or play will be whistled dead. On tag up we haven't been blowing the play dead more honor system placed on the team - to keep the play going.

6.            Official to place live puck in neutral area on shift change (no faceoffs); dead puck from preceding shift to be retrieved by official. Again, we have just been allowing the play to continue without interference from the ref regardless of where puck is

7.             On play stoppages comprising ( i ) goals ; or (i i ) a goaltender freezing the puck , the puck (or new puck) i s dropped immediately at centre ice with no set formation. When goaltender freezes the puck or a goal is scored, the ref blows the play dead, opposing team is to back up to roughly the center of playing surface, again to try to keep play moving.

8.             Penalties, per HNS guidelines, will require the offending player to be sent to the bench for the remainder of the timed shift; no power plays and the coach will instruct the player on what happened. U9 officiating tends to differ from place to place so we 'd like to warn the players if they need to tag up at the bench, if there will be faceoffs, etc . 

9. After the buzzer goes there is just enough time for a quick fun shootout for both sides!  A few players each game. Please ensure you keep track each game of who has had their chance to go as ideally, we'd like all players to have one shot each. Probably five shooters from each team each game? It gives the kiddos their moment to shine and seeing their excitment in the spotlight is great. It also gives teams and fans the moment to cheer their hardworking goalies on. Remind them it's all in good FUN so have your phones ready for photos :) If you have a goalie who is goalie all games, please make sure they have a chance to shoot too if they want it!

Let' s have a great time watching our little athletes play the game we all love!